Sunday, 30 December 2012

Learning Experiences for a Learning Mind

India is a country that has mesmerized people from world over through its various faces and dimensions. It is culturally, historically, geographically and learning wise a very rich country. India has a lot to offer to the world and the world can learn a lot from this sub-continental country.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
                                                                                                 ―Mahatma Gandhi
 It’s very enriching to be able to learn something new, the euphoria we feel when we learn something new is very wonderful and only a learner can understand this. India is and always has been the land of learning as it has produced many a learned men and women throughout ages. The writing and reading culture of India’s ancient civilizations date back to three millennia ago.  It was home to the oldest university of the world-The Nalanda University in Patna erstwhile Pataliputra. Many a travelers from different parts of the world have travelled to India to learn mathematics, science and astronomy.
Learning programs in India are many, with flexible options and in diverse field of studies. The Open University system and the distance education programs make learning experience flexible, fun and burden less.  The new generations is motivated and driven and therefore, learning is something that is taken very seriously in India but in a fun way. The teachers are very friendly and maintain a friendly status with the students making the whole learning experience worthwhile and easy.

If you are a foreign tourist, interested in learning about the culture or just simply want to learn the Hindi language, than there are plenty of institutions which offer easy short term courses for English Hindi language learning programs. Further, those who wish to get deeper into the spiritual aspect of the Indian culture can enroll themselves for yoga and meditations learning programs. India is world renowned for its Yoga and meditation which is now practiced worldwide for reducing stress and keeping oneself fit. But the western version of yoga is not complete; if you want to dwell further into this ancient art which is a religion in itself you can find many Yoga Ashrams which provide you with Yoga and Meditation learning programs in India.
Indian cuisines and curries are world famous for being spicy and its vegetarian diet is revered all over the world. You can learn the intricate details of secret recipes like cooking dals, leafy vegetables and the famous curries through various Indian cooking learning programs. The world knows about the cultural richness of India and its contribution to various art forms, Indian classical dance, music and martial arts are really fascinating to watch and more so to learn. Indian classical music is renowned for its various ragas and you can learn these or atleast have a glimpse of this ancient art through many Classical music learning’s programme in New Delhi. If you come to this country you will find yourself enriched with knowledge and filled with the zeal to learn more.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Live And learn Approach to Internships

There is a saying that “learning is an endless process”. We really don’t know what is coming to us; new innovative techniques have changed the way we look at our career. But are we opting the right path? Does the future course of action we have selected is leading us to our destination? With these few questions in mind, one should go for an alternate available today, seminars/workshops/summer camps and internships. At these places you can get the best out of yourselves and relate to the world in a process of random exploration discovering that dream vocation or interest.  

Internships have always been in vogue in many countries and have started becoming increasingly popular in India. Young folks today are restless to discover more, see more, feel more, and relate more. This helps in determining the right path, opportunities and even opens paths to innovation. It takes out the fear and makes the world a small piece of cake. Internships are increasingly enabling people to travel round the globe, have a look into different cultures/ communities and entertain and educate oneself in an enjoyable and cross disciplinary fashion absorbing the best that each internship setting has to offer. Creating such opportunities for you in areas of social as well as Corporate internshipLive and Learn’ is creating these opportunities with an underlying belief in the concepts of Life Long Learning and Learning by doing and cultural immersion making learning that much richer, fun and long lasting for the learner and the community where he learns .

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Responsible Organization Can Make Volunteer Tourism a Successful Project

Volunteer Tourism is travel with the purpose of contributing or working for a charitable cause. It involves spending your holidays or vacations in a place where you collaborate directly or through your travel guide with a local charity organization or Non-Governmental Organization to volunteer with them. Such trips usually are meant for people looking to provide and be part of some kind of positive change in the society, but also for people looking for some holistic and life changing  experiences.

New Delhi the capital city of India is the hub of the social sector in India. The volunteer tourism opportunities in New Delhi are abundant. It is a great place to do some volunteer tourism projects due to its urban poor population and the backward regions of the city. There are NGOs which provide for people from abroad and other cities a chance to volunteer with them. Volunteer tourism opportunities  includes activities like excursions to slums, teaching underprivileged students, working with old age people and many such activities.

But that entire aside, the success of a Volunteer Tourism project depends on the organization hosting the Volunteer Tourists. The organization is responsible for planning, organizing and implementation of the whole project and to decide how best they can utilize their Volunteer tourists. It is the responsibility of the organization to make sure that the volunteers are satisfied with their work and that they are able to grasp the local problems. The organization should create an appropriate feedback mechanism to ensure that their volunteers are absorbing the things they are shown and involved in.

Live AND Learn is the one stop for Volunteer tourists looking to do volunteer tourism projects in India and New Delhi. At Live and Learn we guarantee that your experience will be fruitful, worthwhile, enjoyable and responsible, it provides you with support and guidance on how to go about things before and after your project. Live AND Learn provides you with expert handling of your tour; our experts are always there to help you choose the right organization which suits to your needs. So if you are looking to drop your boring schedule and get out of the muck to do some good work for the society and rediscover yourself then join a volunteer tourism project and let Live N Learn be your partner in this wonderful journey of yours.