Sunday, 30 December 2012

Learning Experiences for a Learning Mind

India is a country that has mesmerized people from world over through its various faces and dimensions. It is culturally, historically, geographically and learning wise a very rich country. India has a lot to offer to the world and the world can learn a lot from this sub-continental country.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
                                                                                                 ―Mahatma Gandhi
 It’s very enriching to be able to learn something new, the euphoria we feel when we learn something new is very wonderful and only a learner can understand this. India is and always has been the land of learning as it has produced many a learned men and women throughout ages. The writing and reading culture of India’s ancient civilizations date back to three millennia ago.  It was home to the oldest university of the world-The Nalanda University in Patna erstwhile Pataliputra. Many a travelers from different parts of the world have travelled to India to learn mathematics, science and astronomy.
Learning programs in India are many, with flexible options and in diverse field of studies. The Open University system and the distance education programs make learning experience flexible, fun and burden less.  The new generations is motivated and driven and therefore, learning is something that is taken very seriously in India but in a fun way. The teachers are very friendly and maintain a friendly status with the students making the whole learning experience worthwhile and easy.

If you are a foreign tourist, interested in learning about the culture or just simply want to learn the Hindi language, than there are plenty of institutions which offer easy short term courses for English Hindi language learning programs. Further, those who wish to get deeper into the spiritual aspect of the Indian culture can enroll themselves for yoga and meditations learning programs. India is world renowned for its Yoga and meditation which is now practiced worldwide for reducing stress and keeping oneself fit. But the western version of yoga is not complete; if you want to dwell further into this ancient art which is a religion in itself you can find many Yoga Ashrams which provide you with Yoga and Meditation learning programs in India.
Indian cuisines and curries are world famous for being spicy and its vegetarian diet is revered all over the world. You can learn the intricate details of secret recipes like cooking dals, leafy vegetables and the famous curries through various Indian cooking learning programs. The world knows about the cultural richness of India and its contribution to various art forms, Indian classical dance, music and martial arts are really fascinating to watch and more so to learn. Indian classical music is renowned for its various ragas and you can learn these or atleast have a glimpse of this ancient art through many Classical music learning’s programme in New Delhi. If you come to this country you will find yourself enriched with knowledge and filled with the zeal to learn more.

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